Pride Month is an important time for those in the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and the City of Toronto. From Pride Weekend, to Pride events: it is Toronto’s time to show that:


But what about after Pride Month ends? While we may think Pride is only within the month of June, it can be celebrated all year round.

Here are some ways you can show your Pride 365 days a year!

Support and spend at 2SLGBTQ+ businesses in Toronto!

From Craig’s Cookies, to Glad Day Bookshop, and everything in between, there are many 2SLGBTQ+ businesses that you can support.

We’ve put together a list HERE

Be an Ally All Year Round

It’s important to support, accept and advocate for the 2SLGBTQ+ community not just during Pride Month.

Being an Ally means:

Confronting challenges that 2SLGBTQ+ people face, whether it be:

  • Heterosexism: assuming everyone is or should be straight
  • Biprejudice: harmful, preconceived ideas about bisexual people
  • Transprejudice: harmful, preconceived ideas about transgender people
  • Heterosexual Privilege: Everyday privileges straight people have (example: the ability to display attraction/affection freely in public)

Read more on how to be an ally HERE

Be inclusive with the community you’re apart of,  whether at work, home, or out in public.

Examples include adding pronouns to your email in the workplace:

  • Using a first and last name instead of the traditional gender titles (Mr., Mrs.)
  • Using they/theirs instead of he/his, she/hers, his/hers
  • Instead of saying this is my wife/husband or boyfriend/girlfriend, use partner/spouse

And removing harmful language from your vocabulary that can be offensive to the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Volunteer/donate to 2SLGBTQ+ advocacy groups. These include:

Egale Canada– Canada’s leading organization for 2SLGBTQ+ people and issues. Egale improves 2SLGBTQ+ lives through research, education, awareness, and by advocating for human rights and equality in Canada and worldwide.

Community One Foundation– Supporting 2SLGBTQ+ individuals and groups in the GTA including Durham, Halton, Peel and York Region. Community One provides funding for projects and programs in the areas of education, health, human rights and arts and culture.

The Arquives– The Arquives is run by a group of Toronto volunteers working to preserve Canadian lesbian and gay history. This includes collecting and maintaining information on 2SLGBTQ+ people, organizations, issues and events and recording the material, storing it, and securing it for future generations.


Consume Queer Media and Entertainment

Whether it be in movies, television shows, or on social media, consuming 2SLGBTQ+ content is important in learning about the community all year round.

Here are fives movies that we put together to watch for Pride Month (and beyond) HERE

Visit historic 2SLGBTQ+ spots in Toronto

Church Street Village– One of the world’s most famous 2SLGBTQ+ districts in the Church and Wellesley area, check out the many 2SLGBTQ+ bars, restuarants, and shops.

West Queen West Art and Design District– Located in the city’s West End, the neighbourhood is often nicknamed Queer West Village. It is known for its eclectic mix of retail, nightlife, and dining from edgy art galleries, to design shops, and hip lounges. The area is also home to the Queer West Arts and Cultural Festival in August, and the Gladstone Hotel, a popular 2SLGBTQ+ hotel.

Filed under: 2slgbtq, celebratepride, pride2022