We are all at different stages of understanding how to empower more women in our lives, and there are terms that have been thrown around for decades, but some are quite new to spearhead these inclusive and progressive times. So, if you are finding yourself lost in all the terminology, let’s clear some of them up!


Cis-gender, cis-woman or cis-man. This prefix is denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender corresponds with their birth sex.


Defined as: the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. Though this term has been dragged through the mud over time and associated with ‘hating men’, that isn’t what feminism stands for in practice. Feminism stands for the equal treatment of ALL human beings. However, because women are the sex who feel and face systemic barriers to their progress and freedom, that is why the root of the word alludes to females.


Defined as: an alternative spelling of the English word woman to be inclusive of trans and non-binary individuals.Womxn” has been used particularly by intersectional feminists, to avoid perceived sexism in the standard spelling, which contains the word “man”.


Defined as: men disproportionately controlling a large share of power. This term has been in practice for centuries and can be seen in ideologies such as ‘men are the breadwinners’, and everyday realities like the #MeToo movement, child brides and leadership inequity.

Pink Tax

The pink tax is the cost associated with being a woman in consumerist culture. There are certain products, ie period products, cis-women can’t voluntarily budget out. Furthermore, essentials like face cream, razors and shampoos that are marketed to women with a direct men’s counterpart are on average 7% more expensive, with virtually the same ingredients. Colour and scent are often it. This is a pretty big dent in women’s wallets, about $1,300 more annually compared to men. Serving as proof we need progress when white Canadian women still only make an average of .69c on men’s $1.00, .65-67c for BIPOC women, and an appalling .54c for disabled women compared to non-disabled men.

Filed under: IWD2021