Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Reverse Stance on Controversial Director

Director James Gunn has been rehired by Disney to direct Guardians of the Galaxy 3.
He was let go when some offensive comments he’d made years ago resurfaced on social media.

ALSO Coming to a Theatre Near You…

Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” starring Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio has revealed it’s first official poster.

The movie premiers this July, though at first glance, you’d think it came out in 1969.

Last Week: Jail, This Week: Multi-Hundred-Billion Dollar Lawsuit

Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman now facing a 500 billion dollar lawsuit over that college bribery scam.

The suit comes from an angry mom who’s upset her son didn’t get a fair shake at entry despite his 4.2 GPA.

Don’t mess with moms… this is messy and it’s only the beginning.


Filed under: avquickhits, Disney, felicity huffman, guardians-of-the-galaxy, lori laughlin, movies, once upon a time in hollywood, theatre