KiSS Talks to Niall Horan About His Love for Canada & His Debut Album, 'Flicker'!
by shem on November 2, 2017, 02:11pm. EST
Niall Horan just released his debut album Flicker and he sat down with our Entertainment Reporter Jax to talk all about it!
She hit him with some fan questions and the first was regarding whether he preferred playing big venues (like he did with One Direction) or smaller venues.
He said, “I love the big, fun, massive shows that are just incredible to be a part of, but this has been an unbelievable experience playing these small 2,000 -3,000 people venues and seeing the whites of people’s eyes and really watching the reaction to these songs. It’s like getting living room vibes . I feel like when I’m talking to the crowd I feel like I’m talking to a room of about 10 people.”
He added, “I guess that type of music I’m playing lends itself to smaller venues.”
The two then went on to discuss Niall’s debut solo album Flicker, which hit #1 in Canada, a feat that means a lot to Niall, “I’ve got a lot of friends in Canada and they’re always telling me, ‘Ahhh every where I go I hear ‘Slow Hands’ and ‘This Town”, it’s really incredible. Thank you.”
When discussing the creation of Flicker, Niall revealed that he didn’t really seek out anyone’s approval before releasing his first social project as it was more important for him to hear what the fans had to say, “I think the fans in general, like you don’t know what people are going to think but I like this kind of music, this is why I made the album. I’ve worked under management since I was 16, so I know what they are going to think.”
He added, “There’s a song on there [Flicker] for everyone, every one of my influences.”
Niall had one final word for his Canadian fans, “this is a beautiful country. I feel like the Irish and the Canadians have built a beautiful connection…I’ve come here a lot and I like coming to here. To know that people have opened up their ears and brought in my tunes has been very nice and to make the album go number one, it’s insane…thank you very much.”
Check out Niall’s debut album, Flicker below!