Years ago, I read a study that linked SMELL as the most POTENT of your senses, when it comes to your earliest memories.

If you really think about it, you could probably name a SCENT, RIGHT NOW, that would transport you back to your childhood.

For ME: That’s nail polish remover.

No, we weren’t experimenting with it in weird ways. ;)

My mom ran a nail studio when I was younger, than ended up being a HOME business from our basement.

The whir of that dental-drill-turned-nail-filer-thing, the sounds of my mom gossiping with her clients AND that viciously nasal assault: I associate with my childhood, something fierce.

SO, every time my wife’s gotta take a coat off her nails/toenails, I get whipped back to my childhood for a few precious minutes, while that “hangs around until you open every window and run a fan for an hour” smell lingers.


What smell do YOU associate with YOUR Childhood?


Filed under: Childhood, life, memories, scent, smell