Let’s face it: When your favourite book gets made into a Movie, you cringe.

BECAUSE, ONCE AGAIN: Let’s face it:  Most of the time, they butcher the snot out of that beloved paperback and leave you with an empty husk that had SO MUCH potential, that got turned into hollywood schlock.

The trailer for this movie alone, has me filled with a sense of pure hope and joy.

There’s NO spoilers, whatsoever. There’s really NOTHING in here that gives away ANYTHING in the book itself, minus the initial PREMISE, and the fact that it’ll feature tons of pop culture references.

Heck, if you didn’t read the book, you may even have a few “OH, was that a Delorean!?” or “THE IRON GIANT? WTF?” moments.

And that’s EXACTLY what they need it to do.

Bring people that HAVEN’T Read the book to the party.

Cause: Those of us who HAVE read it, and re-read it, and lent it to every friend we can get to read it THEN Re-read it again every time it’s been returned…

We’re already there.


If this turns out to be another Ender’s Game or Eragon:  I may swear of any book adaptation movies forever more.


Anyway: enjoy