BPM Media
BPM Media

What better way to discover that your wife caught you cheating and that marriage is over than to come home and find your house sold to a bunch of college hippies?

Craig, a 44 year-old husband of two from Warwickshire, England, thought he could just fly off to New York for a booty call business trip and return home to his wife Laura nice and satisfied. But things changed when Laura found messages from his New York mistress on his iPhone before he left. She is pictured below:


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BPM Media


Laura decided that the best way to get revenge on Craig would be to sell their home before he comes back and leave Craig out on the street. She ended up selling the house in less than two weeks at a cut rate to students from the University of Warwick, according to the Dailymail.




Craig, who now lives in London, was obviously shocked by the event:

“All the lights were on and the TV was blaring. I remember thinking it was really out of character for Laura to be up past 11pm. I had no idea what on earth was going on. At this point I was seriously freaked out, jet lagged and frantic – I started banging on the door and shouting Laura’s name – but was greeted instead by what looked like a 21-year-old hippie.”


However, the best quote, comes from the Real Estate agent who sold the house. They said, “Looking back now, I suppose Mrs Arnold did seem unusually desperate to sell up and pretty urgently, but at the time I thought nothing of it.”