Don’t let the weird unseasonably hot weather fool you – Christmas is on the way (like in 6 Fridays if you can believe it.)


If you procrastinated to put up your Christmas lights, this warm weather is a nice last minute chance to put up those lights before the snow falls. With it being dark SO EARLY NOW (ugh) it’s nice to brighten up your neighbourhood with the sights of Christmas.

One of the best parts about Christmas are the lights! We know food comas are great, and spending time at your in-laws eventhoughyoudon’twantto is your all time FAVOURITE during the holidays (/s)… the lights everywhere surprisingly makes everything thing better. And one of the best Christmas light experiences around in is Christmas Lights Across Canada. 

Parliament Hill light show


This FREE FAMILY experience has been around since 1985, Christmas Lights Across Canada was introduced to highlight the wonderful monuments and sites you see along Confederation Boulevard.. did we mention it was FREE?

From November 30 – January 7 (2021) you will see THOUSANDS of glowing and dazzling holiday lights on display at Parliament Hill, national museums, embassies and other significant sites.


It’s not just the capital of Canada participating, but every capital city across each province and territory will be showcasing their unique style of celebrating this special season.

Getting older, finding the magic of the season IS a lot harder to do. Gift giving seems to get more and more expensive (and the kids seem to get whinier about their gifts??), your aunt and mom can’t seem to get along, and you’re being forced to find some magical ‘cheer’ somewhere deep, down inside you when all that cheer goes to rent and bills everyday and wondering if you’ll ever be able to afford a house… but millennial existentialism aside, there will always be something about colourful, dancing lights in December that seem to make everything OK again, even for a short little while!


So if you can, go alone, with your room-mate, or COVID puppy and try to reach the monumental sites in Ottawa (or whichever capital city you’re in) and *hopefully* it can ignite a little bit of loving and fun spirit in you, just in time for the Holidays!




Stay up to date with Christmas Lights Across Canada’s TWITTER, INSTAGRAM, and FACEBOOK!

Filed under: christmas, christmas lights, christmas lights across canada, Ottawa, xmas